KAR Energy Software is a freeware app for Windows which lets you to reduce the power consumption while using the desktop or laptop. PC is one of the power consuming devices if not optimized for best usage. This tool automatically starts with Windows start up and optimizes the PC for power consumption. It does it by CPU cooling, reducing the frequency of the processor and also byy putting the computer into standby or switch off the screen.
- 48% consumption reduction.
- Accelerates the performance of your computer.
- Customize actual consumption of RAM and processor speed.
- Reduces the startup time of your PC.
- Lowers the temperature of your processor.
- Extends life of equipment.
- Increases battery life.
It creates a new power plan which is set as the default one on laptop. Not all features are available in the free version, but still it is able to reduce the consumption. This software is able to manage the power consumption of the computer by controlling the frequency of the processor to the actual use made.
I was looking similar app since a long time. Thanks for sharing. The only limitation is RAM will not be optimized in free version.