Social Folders is a nice freeware app for Windows which lets you back up and sync files from multiple social networking site. In short you can call it as the Dropbox of social networks. You need to sign up for their service and then access and backup your social networks data right inside your PC. SocialFolders support includes Flickr, Box, Facebook, Instagram, Picasa, Photobucket, YouTube and Google Docs and more might come in the future versions. You need to authorize social folders to access these websites. With Social Folders, you get real two-way sync, allowing you to not only back up, but to also upload files to your online accounts.
Your online dashboard allows you to connect to multiple websites listed and you can tell Social Folders to selectively sync folders and files. Once you have authorized the services, you can open Social Folders on your desktop. You can view all the websites you have authorized and synced right inside Windows Explorer.
If you make any changes to the files in this folder, like add new files or remove them, you can easily do a two way sync. This also means that if you want to upload a new album to social networks, just add it to social folders and sync it. You can also refresh your folders from the system tray option.
The app will check for any new files available automatically every day, so all you need to do is to add files to the respective folders which represent the network. You don’t have to use the browser any more to upload photos and files to these services.
You can watch this video of Social Folders in action;
Social Folders is available for both Windows and Mac.
Social Folders is a nice implementation of two way sync of your social networking files from your desktop without having to use the desktop.