Blog design is the most important thing as its the one that catches the attention of the readers. Success of your blog greatly depends on a good design. Here are 5 basic and important things for a good blog design.
- Have a professional Look: Having a professional look is important with right use of color and font combinations. Make sure the font is readable and do not use too many contrasting colors which can have a negative impact on the readers.
- Good Navigation: Make your blog navigation simple, clear and easy for readers to navigate through your pages. Best way is to provide this is to have a navigational bar near the header.
- Optimize your Images: If you are using large number of images in your blog design, then make sure that you optimize the images. You can achieve this by using “Save for Web” feature in most of the image editing tools.
- Remove Excessive Banners: Do not use excessive banner advertising as these can be intrusive for the readers. This can be one of the reasons why readers may not come back to your blog.
- Use Header tags: Usage of header tags is important because these helps readers to identify and distinguish different posts. H1 can be used for main headings and h2 tag for sub headings. Header tags can be given different color to distinguish.
If you liked to add any more points, please share it in comments.
good tips ,I need to work on them 😥
Good practical tips buddy. Love the logo too.
This is some very good tips. I agree with all of them.
Glad that you liked the logo. 🙂
@Rahul and Jennifer,
Glad that you liked the tips. 🙂
Talking of Professional looks, look out for the Smashing Magazine’s new Anniversary theme:
I checked out the theme. 🙂
#6 Professional Logo, Like the one here. 🙂
Thanks for the add. Glad that you liked the logo. 🙂
Header tags are important not only for readers but they are important for search engines also
You are absolutely right, they are important from SEO point of view.
Good and very useful tips, thanks for this Nirmal !
All the tips are very useful. Thanks a lot for sharing them with us, Nirmal.
good post.. maybe i need to pay professional designer. 🙂
It will be good if you can get the services of a Pro designer. 🙂
I always check if a design is good from a search engine’s perspective
I only select themes that use the right header tags, not many themes fail in this though 🙂
unsteady answers i like it