From Windows XP to Vista, there has been a change in the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) registry editing and normal users may find it difficult to edit the BCD file. This job can be easily done with VistaBootPRO. VistaBootPRO is a freeware which was developed to make changes to the Windows Vista Boot Configuration Data registry quickly and easily, doing the job in a fraction of the time it would take using the alternative. VistaBootPRO allows users to easily and neatly organize their boot configuration entries.
One thing that is really good about this utility is the ability to backup your boot manager before you change anything, that way you don’t have to worry as much about screwing something up.
System Requirements: Windows XP (Home, PRO, x64, MCE 2005), 2003 Server, Vista, or Longhorn Server. All systems must have .NET 2.0 Framework. You need to run VistaBootPRO as administrator mode for changing the boot settings.
I hope I never have to use this! I tried something like this before on my XP computer and it got totally screwed up!
Funny that you advertise VistaBootPRO as freeware and yet it costs, either update the information to reflect this or remove the ad