Radio-Locator is a website where you can search for various radio stations across the world. This useful and comprehensive list of radio station displays the radio stations according to genre and location. This site is mainly developed for locating radio stations in US and Canada. You can search based on various criteria like zip code, city, frequency etc.
If you want to search for various radio stations in a particular country, then select the country from the list and the result displays all the radio stations with links to their website. I did a search for India and it fetched me around 20 stations, although the list is not a complete one, it displayed most of the top stations.
You can also find Internet streaming radio stations based on various formats. Radio-Locator is one of the most comprehensive radio station search engine on the Internet with over 10,000 radio station web pages and over 2500 audio streams.
thanks nirmal for u r comment
i think u r theme has some security problem please check u ad files i think some of them prone to iframe attacks
Pretty neat, I listen to yahoo radios sometimes but this will better than them more over Live conversation on radios are better
gud find buddy. I have always wanted to listen to radio but was too lazy to find out a way….thanks
I also like Tun3R, it has a bunch of radio stations you can browse easily. Thanks!
That’s a really nice find. No more radio sets needed now! 😀
Its somewhat bugging,,, asks for plugin, software install. Just to listen to one station, I clicked so many times and finally bored of that and closed window