ePrompter is a free email notification program which automatically checks and retrieves email messages from up to sixteen password protected email accounts and then gives you notification whenever you have new messages. ePrompter also lets you know how many new messages you have in each account, once new messages have been retrieved.
ePrompter currently supports AIM, AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, Yahoo Beta, POP3, Earthlink, Excite, Juno, Lycos, Mail.com, Mindspring, MSN, MyWay, Netscape, Rediffmail, SBC Yahoo and many more.
Features of ePrompter;
- Read and delete email without opening your email client
- Let’s you delete unwanted spam or suspicious looking mail
- retrieves messages at scheduled intervals.
- Message headers or full messages available.
- The ability to print messages.
- The ability to read hyperlinks.
- The ability to work with standard firewalls and proxy servers.
- Works with Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, XP, NT, 2000 or Vista.
That does a great work, but interface is not so cool….
Woow :O
I am using digsby client which notifies gmail,yahoo,msn mails 🙂
Interface is quite good..!