GIF2SWF is a free Converter for converting animated GIF images to Adobe SWF file format. This freeware also helps you to extract the individual frames out of the animated GIFs. Once the conversion is done, you can use the SWF files on your websites. These movies can also be linked to a particular URL. Apart from this, you can also specify the quality of conversion based on the file size you require.
- Single click GIF to SWF conversion
- Single/Batch conversion mode
- SWF movie quality level adjustment
- SWF movie playback rate adjustment
- Link SWF movie to the target URL
- Individual GIF frames extraction (BMP, JPEG, PNG and TGA)
quite usable sometimes, does it also work the other way round?
I dont think it will work the other way.
how to convert GIF image to Micro soft word
i convert swf to GIf,jpeg,with Moyea swf to video converter std
how to reduce swf file after converting from gif?
Appreciate the information, I was stumped on this problem for weeks. Thank you.