Are My Sites Up as the name indicates, will keep a close watch on your websites and informs you in case it is not accessible or if its down. The service will notify you in case your site is not accessible. Once you create an account, you can add you websites for check and the checks are performed every 15 minutes. Are My Sites Up is a completely free service and you can add up to 50 sites for monitoring. Many of the free websites monitoring services have a limit to the number of websites to be checked, so in case you are the webmaster of large number of websites, you can try this service.
The service loads your website and checks for the HTTP status and in case of any error code, it triggers the email and SMS service. You can configure the email and phone number in the settings menu. The service sends an email when the website is down and also as soon as the website comes up.
One of the good things about this service is that its completely free of cost and allows to add up to 50 sites for monitoring. But at the same time there are restrictions on monitoring websites hosted on subdirectories like
Are My Sites Up is a very simple and free website monitoring service.
I added a invalid domain. Even after 3 hours it is showing “Site Up and Running” That domain is not yet even registered.
Anyone’s website can be added and monitored. There is no site veriify feature. That could be a privacy concern…
I’m using for this purpose 🙂