FreeMem Standard is a free application for increasing your PC’s performance by optimizing Microsoft Windows memory management. You can avoid system lockups by running this improved RAM-Optimizer. You can select the amount of memory to be free and click the analyze and free, the application starts memory optimization.
The main application window shows up values starting from 1MB to the maximum amount of RAM installed. You can select any value and then click on the Allocate and Free button. The application starts to optimize and recover RAM. The amount of memory to free should be based on the available memory in the system. For best results, you can free upto half of the installed memory on you PC, increasing the amount to free up might increase the swapfile size and will take a long time.
Features of FreeMem Standard;
- Can Free up RAM
- Graphics Chart of Free Memory
- Configurable Updates to the Chart
- Chart Updates while Recovering
- Can Start Automatically with Windows
- Configurable Options if Started Automatically with Windows