If you wanted to create free animated GIF images to show any loading of websites or content, then Preloaders is a site worth trying. Preloaders is a free web service which allows you to create free GIF images to show loading. There are various categories of images to chose from like rectangle, circular, horizontal, 3D images etc. These categories contains various predefined loading images.
Once you have select a particular image from a category, you can customize the background color, foreground color, size of the image and also the animation speed. Here are some of the loading GIF images created using this tool.
Once you have done with the customizations, you can download the file to your desktop. These images can also be used for application developments to show loading.
Thanks! Can I use your animation to my site?
Preloaders.net has now launched 2nd version. It’s much better than the first one – it now supports APNG and has a lot of new options