BitFinder is a freeware utility to search and clean duplicate files from your hard disk. With huge amount of data available in hard drives, it becomes very difficult to organize files and folders such that they are not duplicated. BitFinder is so simple that all user has to do is open the tool and specify where to look for duplicated files and hit search. Once a search is done the duplicated files will be displayed allowing the user to manipulate those same files. Once displayed the user will be able to select which files to manipulate by checking them on the list.
Apart from the normal feature, Bitfinder has Window Explorer context menu integration, so that you can right click any folder or drive and search for duplicates. You will need to run the application as administrator in order to get this feature.
The application also provides options to copy or move the duplicate files to any other location.
BitFinder features:
- Shell context menu integration.
- Fast search mode increasing search speed by 85%.
- Search results export.
- Supports both SHA1 and MD5 hash.
- Customizable searches.