Total Network Monitor is a freeware utility which can monitor efficiency of your network, separate computers, network and system utilities which are most useful to your work. This utility will alert you in case of failures and unpredictable errors which can be caused by many reasons. It will build a detailed report on the type and time of the error or failure. You always have an opportunity to check any aspect of this or that utility, server, or file system: HTTP, FTP, SMTP/POP3, IMAP, Event Log, Service State, Registry, and many others.
The advantage of using Total Network Monitor is that it can monitor a variety of probes, not only the network, but also Windows and file system as well.
Supported probes:
Internet probes:
- POP3
- Telnet
Windows probes:
- Event Log
- Service State
- Registry State
- System performance
Misc. probes:
- File Existence
- File Size
- File Compare
- File Count
- File CRC32
- File Content
- Disk Space
Total Network Monitor is a comprehensive tool to monitor your resources and is completely free of cost.
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