When it comes to feed reader, the Google Reader is the most popular one. But since Google reader is an online one, you need to open the browser all the time to get feeds updated. GreatNews is new freeware desktop feed reader with some great features. GreatNews is optimized for full page reading, so you can scan through RSS articles quick. There are different reader styles available with GreatNews. Moreover GreatNews is very fast and responsive enabling you to read items quickly.
If you are currently using Google Reader, you can import all your feeds as OPML files into GreatNews and then organize and manage your feed items.
GreatNews offers different reading styles suited best for you. The newspaper layout is particularly useful and you can navigate through your feeds just like reading news paper.
Some of the features of GreatNews;
- Support all major feed formats, including RSS 0.9x, 1.0(rdf), 2.0, Atom 0.30 and 1.0. Support popular extensions like dublin core, content:encoding etc.
- Integrated internet browser, with tabs and popup blocking. Working closely with default browser like Firefox.
- With Import/Export wizard, you can import/export all channel subscriptions in a single step.
- Export rss articles to rss 2.0 format. You can also customize the export by selecting channel/group/label, and/or applying filters.
- Bloglines.com integration- Read everywhere at Bloglines.com, but read twice as fast at your desk.
- Full text search with keyword highlights.
- 100% Unicode support. Displays international languages on the same page. Use any languages anywhere in GreatNews, including Search, Label and News watch.
- “Channel Organizer” helps organize channel subscriptions in one place. Use “Find Channel” to locate your subscriptions quickly.
- Support HTTP Conditional GETs and gzip/deflate encoding to reduce bandwidth consumption.
GreatNews is currently in beta, but it is a very useful desktop feed reader.