There are many file synchronization tools out there for Windows and each of them pairs to two folders and syncs files between them. Syncless is another freeware tool for file sync, but unlike other tool, it introduces a new concept of tagging. With tags, you can add any number of folders to one tag and then sync files between them. Users can create any number of tags they want and sync the files inside these.
Users will be able to synchronize folders by simply tagging different folders with the same tag, resulting in a near seamless experience in synchronization. The interface of this tool is very rich and easy to use. There are two modes of sync- manual and seamless. A group of folders with the same tag will always be kept in sync automatically in real-time by Syncless, without any need for user intervention.
Features Overview
- Tagging of folders-Tag folders which you want to be synchronized with the same tag, and Syncless will handle the rest
- Synchronization of multiple folders- Tag any number of folders under the same tag, and they will all be kept in sync, unlike most products on the market, which can only handle 2-way synchronization
- Real-time synchronization- All folders under the same tag will be kept in sync, without any interference from you
- Sync across Multiple Computers- Plug in your thumb drive, and watch your files and tags get synchronized!
- Configuration of Tags- Configure each tag to filter the kinds of files to include or exclude
You can check the log to see if any sync errors has occurred. The settings can be configured via the options on the top of the application.
Syncless supports keyboard shortcuts for quickly sync files. These can be viewed using the useful shortcuts menu.
Overall we liked the concept of tags for file sync and Syncless proved to be a really useful application. We had problems with syncing the libraries in Windows 7.