There are many applications which does not have an in built spell checker, so in case you want to check the spelling you need to open word processor. TinySpell is a freeware application which comes handy in such situations. It is a small utility that allows you to easily and quickly check and correct the spelling in any Windows application. TinySpell can watch your typing on the fly and alert you whenever it detects a misspelled word.
TinySpell sits in the system tray and notifies you of any spelling errors when you type. In case you feel that this is genuine word, then you can add it to dictionary.
When you copy text to the clipboard TinySpell checks its spelling immediately. If it finds at least one misspelled word in the text it beeps and turns its icon to yellow. If the icon is white it means that no misspelled words were found in the clipboard text. There are lots of options which can be controlled by the settings including the notification beep sounds.
TinySpell is a wonderful application especially for the fact that it incorporates into every application in Windows.