Windows 7 has been gaining popularity ever since it was released and it has been the fastest selling OS ever in the history. Keyboard shortcuts are always handy when you want to do things quickly and it also makes you more productive. Here is a list of keyboard shortcuts for Windows 7. This list is not a complete one and it contains only the most used and needed ones.
List of most used and must know shortcuts;
- Copy item: Ctrl+C
- Cut: Ctrl+X
- Paste: Ctrl+V
- Undo an action: Ctrl+Z
- Select everything: Ctrl+A
- Print: Ctrl+P
- Switch between open windows– ALT + Tab
- Show desktop- Windows Key
+ D
- Open Task Manager – Ctrl + Shift + Escape
- Lock Windows workstation– Windows key
+ L
- Open a new instance of a program– Shift + Click a taskbar icon
- Presentation display mode – Windows key
+ P
- Zoom in and out – Windows key
+ +/ Windows key
+ –
- Minimize the Window – Windows key
+ Down Arrow
- Maximize the Window – Windows key
+ Up Arrow
- Windows 7 Snap mode- Windows key
+ Arrow
- Rename a Folder– F2
Complete list of Keyboard shortcuts for Windows 7 is available here.