The .NET Framework is Microsoft’s comprehensive and consistent programming model for building applications that have visually stunning user experiences, seamless and secure communication. Microsoft had released the version 4 along with Visual Studio 2010. Many of the application when you install on Windows, asks for .NET framework to be installed prior to installation.
The .NET Framework 4 is highly compatible with applications that are built with earlier .NET Framework versions, except for some changes that were made to improve security, standards compliance, correctness, reliability, and performance.
.NET Framework version 4 is supported on Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 R2; Windows Server 2003 SP2; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 SP2; Windows Vista SP 2; Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2003 SP2, Windows Vista SP1 or later.
There are two types of installers
1. Web Installer- You need to have an active internet connection while you install it as files are downloaded while installation.
Download Web Installer (869 KB)
2. Offline Installer – This is standalone setup installer which does not need any active internet connection while installation.
Download Offline Installer (48.1 MB)
hi, i really need net framework on my computer but i am unable to install it. could you please make a ‘zip’ or ‘rar’ file with the program installed in it then upload to mediafire and then send me the download link so i can download and use it? Thanks. This would be greatly appreciated.
thank you very much
thank you
why did’t install this
hi Nirmal, thanks for the blog. my laptop is in urgent need of .NET Framework v.4. 0. 30319 to run microsoft vision that i was using to do some presentation. these attached 2010 links are not going through, how can you assist me urgently.