Every post published or saved as draft has a post ID in WordPress and you can use this ID to generate a short URL (http://www.yourdomain.com/?p=1397, where the number is the post ID) of your published posts. To get the short URL, you need to have the post ID of each post and this was not directly available within the WordPress dashboard. With the release of WordPress version 3.0, there are many new features and updates added and one of them is Short URL.
From your WordPress dashboard, open the post for which you want the short URL. Below the post title, you might see a new option called Get Shortlink (available only if you have upgraded to WordPress 3.0)
When you click on this, it shows a popup with the short URL of your post.
You can use this URL to share the post on Twitter, Facebook and other social networks.
It isn’t really a feature per-se, considering you could get the post ID on the edit link on site or in dashboard…..and when saving posts, it is visible in URL too.
I just wish it was domain.com/ID rather than a query string at the end….would’ve been cleaner. There are hacks to implement it so, I think I’ll do that instead.
I have already mentioned this in the post that this is already available in previous versions of WordPress.