When you share your email on any website or blogs the major problem is with spambots, they might be able to capture your email address and this could result in your email getting spam. Emailerr is a simple free web application that helps you protect your email address from spambots when making your email address public or sharing them online on websites. The service takes your email address as input and then generate 4 different usable outputs: permalink, direct image, Javascript encoded, HTML encoded. You can then use any one of those outputs to show your email address publicly.
You can select your options on how the email should look like, you can customize the background, text color and also the image size. When you submit the page, you get 4 different options to embed the email on to your blog without the spambots able to recognize your email.
Emailerr is the simplest of service to wrap your email address in an image or Javascript.