When you have a blog or an RSS enabled websites, you might want to notify your Twitter and Facebook readers about new posts you publish. For WordPress blogs we had covered few plugins to do this job. If you are looking for a web service to publish the posts to Twitter, then Dlvr.it is a nice tool. It lets you publish an RSS feed to multiple services like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Buzz and more. The service is handy that you can publish on RSS feed to multiple networks or multiple RSS feeds to one service.
What makes Dlvr.it stand out from others is the features. You can customize whole lot of things including adding filters, tracking the links shared on Twitter using Google Analytics and also the option to use custom URL shortener service.
It also provides you with widget for popular post from Twitter which can be embedded in your blog. You can also schedule posts to Twitter using Dlvr.it. Overall, dlvr.it is a nice free service which provides bloggers, publishers and brands a way to instantly syndicate content and expand their reach on the social web and into new channels.
That’s a pretty cool service. Just configured it for my blog. 🙂
Thats a very good service… i am using it since i started blogging like you…..
Dlvr.it is great!
I use it to post my blog update to Twitter. 🙂
The best part is free.