Customizing Windows 7 with wallpapers always a great idea especially if you can change the wallpapers automatically. Pulse is a new freeware application that automatically downloads wallpapers from the web using given keyword. At this time it uses to get wallpapers. There are thousands of beautiful wallpapers with different resolutions. You just need to specify the keyword for wallpapers, for eg waterfalls, sunset etc.
Pulse automatically chooses wallpapers with your screen resolution. You can make it to skip wallpapers with lower resolution or to get wallpapers with original size. You can also tell the app to get the pictures with maximum resolutions.
Pulse can automatically delete old pictures which are downloaded by the app. Pulse works well with Windows 7 and Windows Vista.
Note from Author: is a Russian web site and it’s search works only with Russian. Pulse uses Google translate to translate keyword to Russian. But it can cause some problems with encoding or something else on English (or other) version of Windows.