Microsoft provides Windows users with a User State Migration Tool (USMT) which is a scriptable command-line tool that provides a highly-customizable user-profile migration experience for IT professionals. M.U.S.T or Move User’s Stuff Tool is a freeware tool for Windows which provides a GUI for USMT. For this tool to work, you need to gave USMT available on your PC and it works well with Windows 7 as well.
The app comes with two main tabs- one for capturing user data and second for restoring it from the backup. When capturing data, you can select the file types which need to be excluded and also the folders. You can also select to exclude drives. You can also encrypt the backup with a password.
When taking a backup, you can select the user account which you want to add or select all the accounts available.
M.U.S.T provides you with lots of options to customize the migration. M.U.S.T. requires at least version 4.0 of USMT in order to work.
Current features include:
- Meticulously designed to encapsulate most major USMT functionality
- Capture and restore Windows user-profile
- Support encryption
- Support drive exclusion
- Support file extension inclusion/exclusion
- Support folder inclusion/exclusion
M.U.S.T is currently under development, so expect more features to come in.