There are many web tools which provides different kinds of information about a domain like WHOIS, hosting etc. DomainHostingView is a new freeware tool for Windows which lets you to fetch extensive information about a domain by using a series of DNS and WHOIS queries, and generates HTML report that can be displayed in any Web browser. The app is portable and you can run it anywhere once you are connected to the Internet.
The information available in the domain report includes: the hosting company or data center that hosts the Web server, mail server, and domain name server (DNS) of the specified domain, the created/changed/expire date of the domain, domain owner, domain registrar that registered the domain, list of all DNS records, and more.
Features of this tool;
- It is a Unicode application and this it can display properly WHOIS records containing non-English characters.
- It supports Internationalized domain names (IDN). When you type a domain with non-English characters, DomainHostingView automatically converts it into a format that can be used in the WHOIS and DNS servers.
- It can parse the text returned by the WHOIS servers, extracts the important data, and displays it in easy-to-read summary.
- It can also displays the raw text returned by the WHOIS servers, with a small enhancement – every http link is displayed as clickable link that opens the Web page in a new window.
You can save the report in HTML format. The app is quite useful as it clubs all the data of the domains at one place.