There are logs in Windows which collect details about the system crashes, errors, exceptions and other information. But these are not directly accessible from Windows and you need to use the command line tools or manually fetch these log files. W8 Log Collector is a freeware app which can fetch information from Windows 8 log files. It is a a standalone exe file that will help you to easily collect the log files for MSINFO32, Minidump,Event logs, Host file, and Internet Explorer in Windows 8.
The app needs to be run in administrator mode to fetch the log files. To fetch the log details, you need to click on the log file which you need. The app creates a new folder in the same location and the log files are copied to this folder. The app is very useful if you want to send the crash reports or any other errors happening to any Windows expert or any forums online.
This version is developed and complied on Windows 8 Developers preview so it’s fully compatible with Windows 8. This application is build with .NET Frameworks 4.0 so you need to have .NET Frameworks 4.0 installed on your PC.