One of the feature which has been continuously improving on smartphones is the camera. Nowadays, smartphones come loaded with several mega pixel cameras and also great set of features including good low light imaging and other stuffs. Because of this, you might be using your smartphone as a substitute for a camera (even though it does not match up with the digital camera standards). You might be having so many personal photos in your phone which you might not want to share with people who use your phone for any reasons.
In such cases, it is better to protect the photos using tools, so that they are visible unless you unlock them. In this article we will cover the best free apps to lock and protect your photos in the Android phone gallery.
1. KeepSafe Vault:
KeepSafe is one of the most popular apps on Android to protect your photos. You can hide pictures & videos on your Android phone using this app. You can enter a PIN to lock all the photos and then hide them from the phone gallery so that no one will have access to these photos. This is one of the best apps to try if you want to protect photos.KeepSafe gives you full control of what pictures and videos people can view if they ever get their hands on your phone.
2. Vaulty:
Vaulty is yet another good app to hide pictures and videos from your gallery with free, unlimited picture and video concealment. You can password protect the photos apart from hiding them so that no one has access to these protected photos. If someone tries to snoop in your vault and enters the wrong password, Vaulty will catch a picture of them for you using your front camera and save it in your vault for the next time you log in.
3. Gallery Lock:
Gallery Lock manages pictures and videos by individually hiding them and it is an app that is absolutely needed for protection of personal privacy. The product is one of the most popular apps for locking or hiding photos and it comes support for stealth mode. After 3rd failed password attempt, built-in camera takes photo of attacker.
4. Safe Gallery:
Safe Gallery is yet another app to securely lock or protect photos and also gallery on your Android phone. You can download and hide any favorite photos from web page. You can also manage the albums of gallery easily using this app. The app is available free of cost from the play store.
5. Secure Gallery(Pic/Video Lock):
Secure Gallery (Hide pictures & videos) can hide(lock) pictures and videos for protection of your privacy using a password or pattern. The app supports stealth mode and has three types of password protection- password (number, character), pattern.
Nice post about the photo protective application in Android os. It is more useful application for our images.