Managing money is not a very easy task and you might find yourself in all sorts of troubles and issues meeting up with the monthly budget. Long back, finance was managed with the help of notes and calculating the expenditure manually. But things have drastically changed with PC and smartphones and with lot of apps available to get your tasks done.
If you use Windows 8.1, here is a list of best personal finance management apps you can download from the Windows store.
1. Mint:
Mint pulls in all your personal finance accounts into one place, so you can manage your money from anywhere. Track your spending, create a budget, and save more. The app currently pulls data from financial institutions in US and Canada only. You can see all your personal finance accounts—checking, savings, and credit cards and also get live updates for your accounts right on your Start screen. Mint automatically organizes everything and creates a budget for you based on your actual spending.
2. Financial Organizer:
With Financial Organizer, you can save all your financial materials by category, and then also by sub-category under convenient to use tiles. Simply take a picture or screenshot of your information, scan your documents into your device, use SkyDrive, or use any of your other Windows functions for saving data, then pick the sub-category tile in which you want to store the document.
The app comes with lots of features to manage your finance, but comes at a price of $3.49.
3. Billminder:
Billminder is a minimalist and elegant solution for controlling your expenses. With innovative infographic style display you can see at a glance how much you have to pay. Billminder features a live tile showing the next 30 days of bills so you will never miss a payment.
You can also customize the app with multiple categories. The app is priced $2.99.
4. All About Money:
All About Money is yet another beautiful and free app to manage your finance. It can track your expenses, income and also savings. You can also schedule periodic transactions and analyze spending by category or tags. It can also sync data across multiple Windows 8.1 devices.
The app has a beautiful and feature rich interface.
5. Spending Tracker:
Spending Tracker as the name indicates is an useful free app to manage your spending. The app comes with a simple interface and has good features to manage your finance. You can set the time periods as weekly, monthly and yearly and also overview your current spending in progress. There is also a budget mode to set the fixed monthly budget.
There are many more apps available in the store, we have picked the best ones.