Bing, the search engine from Microsoft is known for some really good wallpapers or search background images which are updated on a daily basis. Each day when you open you can see a new fresh wallpaper. Now if you have been following Bing, they provide some quality wallpapers. If you are looking to download and use these wallpapers on your Windows desktop, then BingSnap is a freeware tool for it.
BingSnap automatically changes desktop wallpaper to the Bing image of the day.
Once you have installed the app, you can get daily wallpapers delivered to your desktop from Bing. BingSnap is also customizable and you can choose which region you want your daily image to be obtained from, if extra information is shown and choose which tray icon is more to your taste.
You can also select the folder where you want the Bing images to be saved. All the images downloaded will be saved in this location, in case you want to use it at a later stage.
BingSnap is completely free and you can download it from the link below. It is compatible with all versions of Windows.