Snipaste- A Powerful Snipping Tool for Windows
There are frequent instances where we want to quickly take a screen capture, edit it and then share it via ...
There are frequent instances where we want to quickly take a screen capture, edit it and then share it via ...
By default Windows comes with handful of shortcut keys or hotkeys which helps in improving the productivity. The keyboard shortcuts ...
Previously there has been complaints that Microsoft is forcing users to upgrade to Windows 10 from their older PCs like ...
Few months back we had covered a free app, W10 Privacy, for Windows 10 which allows you to configure and ...
There are many occasions when your PC wont boot and this could be due to either messing up with partition, ...
Notepad is one of the hugely popular built-in app on all versions of Windows. Notepad is one of the extremely ...
Getting the ISO or exe file of older Microsoft software like Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Office suite is quite ...
Shadow Copy or also called as Volume Shadow Copy is a service included in Microsoft Windows that allows taking manual ...
Sometimes when you use Windows, you end up seeing some weird errors and messages. Since these errors don’t tell you ...
If you have a local Area Network with multiple connected PCs, you can remotely shutdown or restart PCs using the ...